Cord blood banking
Cell Care and Prince of Wales Private Hospital have partnered to ensure that expectant parents have access to information about cord blood banking in order to make informed decisions.
Cord blood and cord tissue
Cord blood and cord tissue are rich in powerful stem cells and can only be collected at birth for potential future use. Cord blood is an alternative source of blood stem cells to bone marrow and can be used in the treatment of blood conditions such as leukaemia and lymphoma.
Stem cells can be used now for medical treatments, and there is an expanding range of new therapies being researched that anticipate using cord blood and tissue in the future, eg. type 1 diabetes, cerebral palsy and autism.
You can store your baby’s cord blood privately for your family’s use. Your baby's stem cells are a perfect match for your child and are more likely to be a match for siblings. Cell Care offers cord blood collection and storage services.
When is it collected?
There is only one chance to collect and store your baby’s cord blood and tissue stem cells – at birth. If the umbilical cord is not collected for storage it is discarded as medical waste. The collection process is quick and painless for both mother and baby, and is performed by a trained Cell Care collector or obstetrician.
Alternatively, you have the opportunity to anonymously donate your baby’s cord blood to the Sydney Cord Blood Bank where it will be made publically available to children and adults with life-threatening illnesses anywhere around Australia and the world.
Please ask your midwife or Obstetrician about this in your check-ups and on the day of delivery, or contact the Sydney Cord Blood Bank on 02 9382 0371 or at enquiries@scbb.com.au.
About Cell Care
Cell Care is a global cord blood and tissue bank with over 200,000 storages. Cell Care has released cord blood for multiple therapies & clinical trials including neuroblastoma, cerebral palsy, acute myeloid leukaemia, T-Cell Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia & type 1 diabetes. This includes sibling and autologous for local and international therapies/trials.
Visit www.cellcare.com.au or call 1800 071 075.
More information
Further information on stem cell research and medical advances is available here:
- Parent’s Guide to Cord Blood Foundation
- Science Therapy: Stem cells to be used to treat heart conditions
- CBS news report: Stem cell treatment for cerebral palsy