Urology Services
Urology is the medical specialty that encompasses the male and female urinary tract, as well as the male reproductive system. Urological disease is very common in Australia. Prostate cancer, in particular, is the leading cause of cancer death in men.
It is interesting to note that the urological and cardiovascular systems are closely linked. We know that improving, or carefully managing, heart health will often have a positive impact on urological problems. It can event help prevent related cancers.
Urologists are specialists who can both diagnose and treat their patients using medicines, therapies and surgical procedures. As urology is one of the leading services at Prince of Wales Private Hospital, our group of senior urologists are experts in managing a range of diseases and disorders, including the following:
- Bladder – Tumour removal.
- Kidneys and adrenal gland – Treatment for kidney stones; tumour removals; total kidney removal (nephrectomy); total adrenal gland removal (adrenalectomy).
- Lower urinary tract symptoms – Treatment for overactive and underactive bladder syndromes; treatment for urinary incontinence; surgery for narrowed urethra (urethrotomy); treatment for the female pelvic floor.
- Male reproductive system – Treatment for benign prostate enlargement, prostate inflammation and infection, fertility and benign scrotal conditions; surgery for prostate, penile and testicular cancers; vasectomy and vasectomy reversals; adult circumcision.
- Sexual dysfunction – Investigation and therapeutics.
Technology has revolutionised urological surgery. Advancements in minimally-invasive technologies mean that patients can be diagnosed and treated with the least trauma possible. Our Hospital supports our specialists with the latest generation of flexible video scopes, ureteroscopes and cystoscopes, high-definition audiovisual systems, surgical lasers, plus the da Vinci Xi® robotic system for appropriate cases.
For patients with a urological cancer, surgery is only one part of the treatment journey. Our Urologists are experienced in working closely with oncologists, radiology oncologists, and other health practitioners to ensure that patients feel supported and can return to optimal health.
To find a Urologist accredited to work at our Hospital, please refer to the Prince of Wales Private Hospital Specialist Directory.
If you would like to know more about our Urology services, please contact:
Dr Alistair Cameron-Strange
02 9650 4973