Obstetric Services

At Prince of Wales Private Hospital, we deliver more than 2000 babies every year. Our Maternity Services are regarded as some of the best in Sydney because of the exceptional level of care provided by specialist doctors, midwives, nurses and more. The experience tends to make a lasting impression upon families, and we receive this positive feedback on a consistent basis.

Obstetrics is one of our busiest service areas. We have a large team of Obstetricians who are backed by a range of additional specialists. They provide a coordinated approach to childbirth and the days that follow. 

  • Obstetricians
    All of our Obstetricians are highly-trained and experienced, many of whom hold additional qualifications in Ultrasound, Maternal Fetal Medicine, Fertility treatment and Advanced Gynaecology. As part of their private services, doctors will attend to their patients at any time, even in the middle of the night. Most Obstetricians also practice at the Royal Hospital for Women, so are regularly providing complex maternity care and helping to train junior doctors. 
  • Obstetric Anaesthetists
    We have an expert team of Obstetric Anaesthetists who perform hundreds of epidurals (or ‘spinals’) every year. Our Delivery Suite has an Obstetric Anaesthetist available at all times, day and night, to respond to requests for pain relief. The Anaesthetic Service includes a pre-admission consultation and any post-delivery pain medication. 
  • Neonatal Paediatricians
    Our staff of senior Neonatal Paediatricians check all babies born at Prince of Wales Private Hospital, and attend every high-risk birth and caesarean section. If a baby is born pre-term, or requires extra care, a Neonatologist may admit them to the Special Care Nursery.
  • Obstetric Physicians
    The Hospital has two dedicated Obstetric Physicians who manage mothers who have a pre-existing medical issue or who are experiencing medical complications during pregnancy (eg gestational diabetes or preeclampsia). 

We go out of our way to give mothers the most fulfilling birth experience possible, but safety is our main focus. Out of all the private maternity units in Sydney, Prince of Wales Private Hospital is one of the safest in which to have a baby. Not only do we have an adult Intensive Care Unit and a neonatal Special Care Nursery, we are co-located with the Royal Hospital for Women and the Sydney Children’s Hospital. This means mothers and babies can quickly receive critical care, should they need it, without being transferred off campus.

We cater to all mothers and all pregnancies, and offer care for the following:

  • Natural labour and birth 
    The birthing facilities at our Hospital are comfortable and fully-equipped. Mothers arrive in labour 24-hours a day, or are admitted for an induction. Delivery suites include wireless fetal monitoring systems that allow mothers to labour freely without restraint, even in the bath if they choose. 
  • Caesarean childbirth 
    Caesareans are performed for a variety of reasons. Some mothers have caesareans that are planned, and others may need one on an emergency basis during labour. The Delivery Suite sits directly above our operating theatres, so emergency caesareans can be conducted quickly and safely.
  • Multiple births and preterm birth 
    Many women with twins give birth at our Hospital, both naturally and by caesarean. Some twins are born with mild prematurity and, as long as they are 33-weeks’ gestation or older, these babies can be managed in the Special Care Nursery. In the rare event of pre-term complications, mothers and babies are moved to the relevant public hospital critical care unit.
  • Pre-existing conditions 
    Women with pre-existing medical conditions, or prior reproductive problems, are easily cared for by our specialists. We commonly look after mothers with pre-existing cardiac issues (eg chronic hypertension), endocrine problems (eg Type 1 Diabetes, thyroid), and reproductive challenges (eg difficulty conceiving, endometriosis, fibroids). 
  • Medical pregnancy complications 
    Major medical complications, such as preeclampsia, can occur during pregnancy, but our specialist doctors are experts in managing these conditions. Because of the Hospital’s unique facilities and location, mothers and babies are able to quickly access critical care, either within our adult Intensive Care Unit or elsewhere on the Randwick Hospital Campus.

To find an Obstetrician accredited to work at our Hospital, please refer to the ‘Obstetricians’ section of our Specialist Search.

If you would like to know more about our Obstetric services, please contact:

Dr Jan Dudley
02 9314 5500 

Dr Natalie Shaw
02 9650 4964


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